Thursday, July 1, 2010

How do I create a podcast?

Before recording your podcast in any of the following applications, it is important to consider five key components: prepare, perform, produce, publish, promote. When you prepare for the recording, you will need to create a title the reflects what you are going to say. In some programs, you will also have the opportunity to add a picture. After you have prepared for the podcast and you have entered your title, it is time for you to perform, or record. When you play back the podcast you will listen to your production to determine if you want to edit it or publish it. You can publish your podcast in a variety of different ways such as a blog, wiki, social networking site, etc. 

I have created an example from  I acted as Thomas Jefferson and created a biography about myself.  Students could use this site in the same way!  They could use it to present information that htye have collected about a person or an event.  One great thing about Blabberize is that you can post the podcast on their site, you can save it, or you can embed it into a site that has already been created. 

Below I have found a few products that you may want to consider when creating a podcast.


This is a great site because you can create a mp3 audio file by typing words in a text box. There are six different languages that the site offers including Spanish, English, and Italian. This is a great tool to type up a short passage to have kids post their work to the class wiki or a blog. The students will be able to listen to their work and make corrections based on what they hear. You can also install this on your browser and it can be used to listen to text on any page.  I did notice that the quality is not great.  However, students can still use it to practice and it is a great tool to change information to another language.

Try Audacity!
Audacity is a free source that can be used to record and edit broadcasts. You can download it at After you download the software, you can easily record something by using an internal or external microphone that is connected to your computer.

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